WVU Extension Office

People in Your Community…Knowledge at Your Doorstep
Welcome! The West Virginia University Extension Service in Wetzel County offers knowledgeable, timely and relevant programs as well as informal education opportunities designed to “help people help themselves” in acquiring knowledge and improving their quality of life.
Wetzel County offers primary assistance and services through the WVU Extension office in New Martinsville. Through our website, you’ll find information on local programs such as Wetzel County 4-H and the Wetzel County Master Gardeners. Or, you can find additional information about programs and opportunities directly through the WVU Extension Service.
To effectively reach diverse audiences, Extension educators offer a variety of educational programs through many methods including workshops, meetings, exhibits and fairs, newsletters, publications, telephone calls, and individual consultations. Please explore our Web site and learn more about us and how we can help you. We’re here to help you put knowledge to work!
eXtension.org is a new resource that is available for consumers to ask Extension-related questions online. At the eXtension Web site you can search on subjects from cattle health, to animals eating your home garden, to just about anything else related to life in America, drawing upon a network of knowledge shared by the nation’s Extension agents and subject specialists.
Part of the National Cooperative Extension System
With more than 3,000 county offices in the USA, the National Cooperative Extension System is the local front door for many citizens to their state land-grant institutions.