Eric Daugherty
Robert L. Hayes
Chief Deputy
Donald E. Bordenkircher
Chief Deputy
Fax: 304-455-2975
Term: 4 years
Wetzel County Sheriff
PO Box D
New Martinsville, WV 26155
Eric M. Daugherty
The mission of the Wetzel County Sheriff's Office is to preserve the rights of citizens in Wetzel County through the prevention of crime, protection of life and property and maintaining order.
The Wetzel County Sheriff's Office is committed to the protection of persons and property, the preservation of the peace and order, the prevention and detection of crime, the apprehension of the offenders, efficient administration of the civil process and effective service and enforcement of the orders of the Court.
The Sheriff's Office must gain and retain the confidence and respect of the community it serves by upholding the Laws of our society and by actively assisting local, state and federal agencies to insure the process of justice.
The Sheriff's Office pledges honest, efficient and professional service along with a commitment of cooperation to the Courts, all other agencies and to the citizens of the County.
All members of the Wetzel County Sheriff's Office have fully realized the Office of the Sheriff is a most vital requisite to the community's well-being.
The Sheriff’s duties include:
Serve and execute all returns, notices and processes issued by the courts which must be served in the county
Act as bailiff in court proceedings
Enforce court orders
Administer transportation of prisoners, mental patients and extraditions
Administer the financial matters of adults who are unable to do so for themselves
Issue licenses to citizens who apply for a concealed weapons permit
Collect all state, county, municipal and school taxes; disburse money to appropriate agencies
Maintain all tax records
Enforce payment of delinquent taxes
The Wetzel County Sheriff's office is accepting applications for the position of Deputy Sheriff.
Applications may be emailed to However, we are not currently testing.
When visiting the courthouse, you will be required to enter through the main entrance on Main Street. If you require the use of handicap accessibility, there is a handicap accessible entrance on the south side of the building on Washington Street.
In addition, there is handicap parking available on Washington Street near that entrance.
Our courthouse is a secure facility. You will be screened by security officers upon entry. You will be required to go through a metal detector and remove all metallic objects from your pockets. Any packages or bags will be x-rayed. All firearms are strictly prohibited.
We will do our best to make your visit friendly and convenient.