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Office: 304-455-8801
Carla L. McBee, Vice President
Office: 304-455-8802
Office: 304-815-8803
Cell: 304-771-2742
Wetzel County Commission Office
PO Box 156
New Martinsville, WV 26155
Phone: 304-455-8217
Fax: 304-455-4450
Bengy Swanson
Project Coordinator
Alec Chaplin
Marketing & Grants Coordinator
Lori Wykert
Planning & Events Coordinator
Cell: 304-266-1607
The key responsibilities of a County Commission include:
Oversight of your county tax dollars, State law requires county commissioners to establish an annual budget and to set the annual levy rate for property taxes.
Providing and maintaining a suitable courthouse at the county seat. County Commissioners are responsible for keeping the courthouse complex in good working order.
Funding the offices of elected officials. State law required that County Commissioners fund the operation of the following elected officials: Prosecuting Attorney, County Clerk, County Circuit Clerk, Sheriff and County Assessor.
Appointing members to various local boards, authorities, and public service districts. County Commissioners often find themselves serving on many of the bodies, in fulfilling their commitment to represent your interests.
Supporting community services. These services vary depending on the county but they may include county health departments, fire and ambulance authorities, county libraries, E911 centers, solid waste management, airports and parks and recreation among others.
Lobbying for more state funding of local programs. Many times the state requires counties to provide services but does not provide funding. County Commissioners work hard to bring more state dollars to the local level.
Hearing concerns about individual property values so taxpayers can appeal their property tax value to the County Commission. The County Commission, sitting as the Board of Review and Equalization, can adjust the value after hearing from the taxpayer and the County Assessor.
Supervising the election process and certifying election results. County Commissioners approve all poll workers, provide funding for elections and review election results to verify voting totals.
Responding to your questions and concerns. County Commissioners are the "front line" of local government. They can help solve problems and give useful advice to local residents.