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Wetzel County Assessor
How do I...
tax maps
farm maps
Estimate Real Estate Tax
Property Tax Classification
Property Value Changes
Real Estate Assessments
Personal Property Assessments
Business Personal Property
Appealing Your Property Rights
Gas Industry Assessment Procedures & Potential
Annual Assessment & Application Deadline
Scott Lemley
Wetzel County Assessor
Beth Hayes
Chief Deputy
Cathy Phillips
Assistant Chief Deputy
Sandy Nelson
Reappraisal Deputy
Wetzel County Assessor
PO Box 7
New Martinsville, WV 26155
Fax: 304-455-6823
County Assessor
Scott Lemley
Due to COVID-19, Wetzel County Courthouse is subject to the following:
• Number of people entering will be limited.
• Masks and temperature screening required.
• Social distancing regulations to be observed along with all directives from the Supreme Court.
Courthouse Hours:
Monday 9AM – 4:30PM
Tuesday 9AM – 4:30PM
Wednesday 9AM – 4:30PM
Thursday 9AM – 6PM
Friday 9AM – 4:30PM
County Assessor duties:
List all properties exempt from taxation, such as that owned by federal, state, county or local governments; property used for public or charitable purpose, property used for schools and hospitals and property used for worship.
Collect county and local dog taxes
Determine eligibility of property owners for the Homestead and Disability Exemptions
Maintain tax maps and property records and make them available for public use
Collect farm statistics annually and report to the Commissioner of Agriculture
Collect farm-use decal permit fees
Collect mobile home permit fees
Annually complete a sales ratio analysis
Present to the tax commissioner a list of real property transfers of the prior assessment year by December 1st annually
Supply a list of new construction and improvements exceeding $1,000 of the previous assessment year to the tax commissioner by December 1st annually
Supply a list to the tax commissioner by December 1st annually of new businesses and businesses that have discontinued operations during the previous assessment year
Assist the tax commissioner by providing information with respect to the taxation, classification, and valuation of non-utility and public utility property so that all property shall be more equally and uniformly assessed throughout the state
Annually assist the tax commissioner in determining the current use of such real property in his/her county as the tax commissioner may require to accomplish a uniform appraisal and assessment of real property
Prepare cost studies and update land values on an annual basis
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